• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zamaradanielacamargo
  • hace 7 años

1. Have you put ……………………… you need in your backpack?
2. Cairns is ……………………………………….. in Australia.
3. She’s really shy. She danced with ………………………………… at the party.
4. There’s ……………………………………. in my eye. Can you help me get it out?
5. We went ……………………………………. last summer because dad had to work.
6. ………………………………………… is not telling the truth. Who is it?
7. ……………… she’s told you about them is true but you mustn’t tell ………………… !
8. It’s so dark in here! I can’t see ………………………………………… !
9. The toy shop is ……………………………….. in the shopping centre.
10. Has ….………..………………… got my book? I can’t find it ….……………………………… .
11. There’s ……………………………….. at the door. Will you answer it?
12. ……………………………….. in my family eats fish. We hate it!
13. Have you seen my brother ………………………………? He’s disappeared!
14. I’m hot and thirsty. Can I have ……………………………… cold to drink?
15. He’s starving because he’s had ………………………………. for breakfast.
16. My best friend is a model. She’s travelled almost ……….…………..…. in the world.
17. We went out for dinner yesterday. However, I had …………..………………. because
the food at that restaurant was disgusting.
18. My daughter has taught me …………………………… I know about computers.
19. I can’t see my keys …………………………….. . Can you help me look for them?
20. It was a great party. …………………………. danced and enjoyed themselves.
21. I want to eat ………………..…………… sweet. Is there any chocolate in the fridge?
22. …………………..……………… is answering the phone. They must be out.
23. Oh dear! …………………………………… has broken the kitchen window!
24. There’s …………………………………… tasty on the menu. I’ll just have a salad.
25. Waiter! There’s ………………………………… in my soup!
26. My dad hates walking. He goes ………………………………… by car. 27. Don’t worry. I haven’t told ………………………………….. about the surprise party.
28. Would you like …………………………………… to eat? 29. “Where’s the cat?” “He must be ……………………………………. in the garden.” 30. ……………….…………..….. matters now - ………..………………………. is finished.
We can’t do ……………………………….…….. about it

Por favor necesito completar los espacios en blanco con los "indefinite pronouns"


Respuesta dada por: Quinaloa



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