• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: carlosjose21
  • hace 7 años

rewrite the sentences in the passive. Use by if necessary to say who has done the action
1- They`ve broken a wincow
2- they`ve burgled our house
3- they`ve stolen four paintings
4- the police have questioned three people
5- they`ve arrested a man and a woman
6- the local newspaper has contacted us


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1) A window has been broken by them

2) Our house has been burgled by them

3) Four paintings have been stolen by them

4) Three People have been questioned by the police

5) A man and a Woman have been arrested by them

6) We have been contacted by the local newspaper


En voz pasiva el objeto directo ( donde recae la accion del verbo ) pasa a ser el sujeto. En este caso de voz Activa en presente perfecto la voz pasiva queda:

Objeto directo ( nombre o pronombre) + Have o Has + Been + verbo en participio pasado + By + Agente ( el sujeto de voz activa)

carlosjose21: muchas gracias
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