• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: villavicenciopedromo
  • hace 7 años

Ayuda por favor esta tarea me la dejaron hoy y tengo mucho que estudiar (2 examenes) esto no me va ha ayudar el examen solo es tarea y tengo que estudiar ¡ayuda! ​



Respuesta dada por: Sofygr


2 What is she doing today?

She's not running in a race. She studies on Mondays

3 Where are they going right now?

They are going to the beach. They don't hike when it's sunny.

4 Are you writing about a mall in Dubai today?

Yes, I am. But I usually don't write about shopping malls.

5 Is he changing clothes now?

No, he's not. He usually wears his basketball uniform home.


villavicenciopedromo: gracias :D
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