C. Which one do you prefer? Explain your answers using comparative sentences.
Which house would you choose and why?
Which car is better and why?
Which watch would you like to have and why?
Which house would you choose and why?
Pucca house because i don't like to stick out much as like i wouldn't want to live in a houseboat por example cause it is a bit unusual.
Which car is better and why?
i haven't got a favourite with cars because they all do the same they take you from point A to point B if you get what i am saying.
Which watch would you like to have and why?
A Tissot classic because it's smart in a sence that it looks fancy and it tells the time.
Which house would you choose and why?
i don´t have a favorite one because they all cars do the same action they take you from your house to the supermarket for example
Which watch would you like to have and why?
A "watch G-Timeless" because it's smart, it´s beautiful and it says the time