• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: luciaa28
  • hace 7 años

Complete the sentence with a verb in the correct form
1) Harry Said that he Could solve our problems
I can solve your problems, said Harry

2) tina said that she was waiting for Stuart
I _________ For stuart, said Tina
3) Melanie said that she hadn't had her exam result yet
I _________ my exam results yet, said Melanie
4) Chris said that he would meet us in the pizzeria
I ___________ you in the pizzería, said Chris
5) Liam said that he often went to the schools film club.
I often ________ to the schools film club said Liam
6) Aaron said That he Had failed two exams in year ten. But that he Hadn't failed any exams in year eleven yet.
I ______ two exams in year ten but I __________ any exams in year eleven yet


Respuesta dada por: ava123
2- I am waiting fir Stuart, said Tina
3- I haven’t had my exam results yet, said Melanie
4- I meet you in the Pizzeria, said Chris
5- I often go to the schools film club, said Liam
6- I have failed two exams in year ten but I haven’t failed any exams in year eleven yet
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