• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: saara07
  • hace 7 años

cambiar cada oración a la forma plural, como en el ejemplo:
1. the child has a basketball
the children
have basketball

2. that womanhas pink scarf
3. this bus is blue
4. that man is a doctor
5. my friend is Russian
6. a superhero has special powers
7. i have a toy mouse
8. she has a digital camera
9. this is a helmet and that is a watch
10. that book is Ann's


Respuesta dada por: Almendra04

2 that women have pinks scarfs

3 these buses are blue

4 those men are doctors

5 my friends are Russian

6 superheroes have special powers

7 we have a toy mouse

8 they have digital cameras

9 those are helmets and those are watches

10 those books are Ann's

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