• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lorenat523
  • hace 7 años

Ayuda, gracias

Write statements and questions in the present perfect.
1. (ever / you / be / to Paris)
Have you ever been to Paris ?
2. (yet / I / not / try / Thai food)
____________________________ .
3 (already / they / do / the homework)
________________________________ .
4. (never / Maria / eat / Japanese food)
5. (before / you / visit / the Museum of Art)
__________________________________________ ?
6. (already / you / climb / Yellow Mountain)
____________________________________________ .
7. (yet / your brother / see / Usher in concert)
______________________________________ ?
8. (ever / Max / try / snorkeling)
___________________________________ ?

Write a check (√) if the sentence is correct. If it is not correct, write ✗ and
make corrections.
1. ✗ I haven’t never tried Indian food. Correct: I haven’t ever tried Indian food.
2. She has ever gone to the top of the Eiff el Tower.
3. They haven’t ever taken pictures of the Great Wall.
4. We’ve yet taken a tour of New York.
5. He’s already climbed Mount Fuji.
6. Have you been ever to Los Angeles?
7. Has she eaten ever potato soup?
8. My sister has tried already snails.


Respuesta dada por: raqbelo06



2. I haven’t tried Thai food yet

3. Have they already done the homework?

4. Maria has never eaten Japanese food

5. Have you visited the Museum of Art before?

6. Have you already climbed Yellow Mountain?

7. Has your brother seen Usher in concert yet?

8. Max hasn’t ever tried snorkeling


2. X : she has never been to the top of Eiffel Tower.

3. X: they have never taken pictures of the Great Wall.

4. X: We have already taken a tour of New York.

5. V

6. X: have you ever been to Los Angeles?

7. X: has she ever eaten potato soup?

8. X: my sister has already tried snails.


espero haber ayudado!

lorenat523: Muchas gracias
raqbelo06: De nada!
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