• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: skybyzzy
  • hace 7 años

1) NewYork is nearer to
Moscow Than to Hawaii.

The world’s hottest place
is in the USA.

California is bigger than

There aren't any coral
islands of rainforests in
the USA.

Surfing started in
the USA in Florida.

There are polar bears
in Wyoming.

2) Read the blog post. Check your answers to the quiz in exercise 1. Are any of the
are answers surprising?

3) Read the blog post again and choose the best state for these tourists.
A I like exploring under the sea......................................................
B I love empty, isolated places......................................................
C I'm interested in UFOs.................................................
D I love wildlife and theme parks.
E I like places with lots of interesting geographical features...................................................
F I'd like to know more about the history of the USA......................................................
G I want to see traditional dances. I hate boats and planes....................................................
H I love unusual museums, tours and trips.....................................................

Staycations in the USA:

When a recent survey asked Americans 'Have you ever been outside the USA?'. 40% of us answered 'No,
we haven't' Only 35% of us have got a passport - compare that with 75% of people in the UK. But do
our stay-at-home travel habits make us unadventurous or stupid? Of course not! The USA is about the
same size as Europe, so it takes a long time to explore. I love travel and adventure, but I've never left
mv own country because there's so much to see here. Have you ever visited these states? They're my
favourite states for a vacation.
Wyoming: Yellowstone National Park is here, with its famous geyser, Old Faithful. The geyser throws hot
water 40 meters into the sky every 90 minutes. It's amazing! You can also go to Wind River Reservation
and enjoy the exerting dancing, powerful drumming and colourful clothes of a Native American pow-wow.
California: California is bigger than Germany. It's got everything: from beach towns to ski resorts,
and from toy museums to tours to look for alien spaceships. My favourite places have been Hollywood's
Chinese Movie Theater Death Valley (it's the world's hottest place!), and an underground rafting trip in
an old gold mine.
Alaska: Alaska is the USAs biggest state. There aren't many here people because it has very long, cold
winters, but it's a great place for wildlife and adventure sports. You can go climbing and whale watching.
I've never seen Alaska's polar bears, but I hope I'll see them next month. I'm going to drive a dog sled into
the Arctic Circle.
Hawaii: These Pacific islands are further from my apartment in NewYork than Moscow! They've got
fantastic volcanoes, rainforests, waterfalls, sandy beaches and rocky coasts. I love Hawaiian traditions
like le i flower necklaces and hu la dancing, and my favourite sport started in Hawaii hundreds of years
ago ... surfing!
Massachusetts: The name of this little state means 'Great Hill' in a Native American language. In the
fall, the bright colours of the leaves on the trees are very beautiful. The USA's fight for independence from
Britain started here in the eighteenth century, in Boston. I've done some really interesting historical tours
of the city.
Florida: Florida's Everglades have got amazing wildlife, like alligators, cougars and manatees. Disney
World in the city of Orlando is fun too - it's the world's most popular theme park. But my favourite place
is the Florida Keys, a group of coral islands. The scuba diving there is amazing!


Respuesta dada por: Treadonme

El primero se hace sin leer el blog. O sea, con tu conocimiento previo escribes true o false. Después, verificas tus respuestas. Igual yo lo voy a hacer leyendo el texto porque tengo menos geografía que una papa.

1. New York is nearer to  Moscow Than to Hawaii.  TRUE

2. The world’s hottest place  is in the USA.  TRUE

3. California is bigger than  Germany!  TRUE

4. There aren't any coral  islands of rainforests in  the USA.  FALSE

5. Surfing started in  the USA in Florida.  FALSE

6. There are polar bears  in Wyoming. FALSE

El punto 2 es corregir tus respuestas. Las mías estás todas bien


A I like exploring under the sea.  Florida

B I love empty, isolated places. Alaska

C I'm interested in UFOs. California

D I love wildlife and theme parks.  Florida

E I like places with lots of interesting geographical features. Hawaii

F I'd like to know more about the history of the USA. Massachussets

G I want to see traditional dances. I hate boats and planes. Wyoming

H I love unusual museums, tours and trips. California

skybyzzy: Thanks man, estamos en contacto!
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