Many years ago angel meet valentina and got maried one year later Dylan was born and mikaela two years after so mikaela is and ángel and valentina__________ and dylan is mikaela _______________ and angel and valentina elder_________ lan auroras _________ and me i am isaac and aurora youngets ___________ and valentina and angel ____________, yeah mikaela and lan are our parents and angel is our and valentina is our lovely __________ my mom's ________ is Dylan and his wife is amaia he is our________ and she is sour _____________ oh i almost forget noah aour loyal and friendly
Me aydarian mucho si me ayudan a complementar mi tarea ☺️

Respuesta dada por:
Respuesta:Many years ago, Angel met Valentina and married a year later. Dylan was born and Mikaela two years later, so Mikaela is and Ángel and Valentinase went to virvi and Dylan is Mikaela went to heaven and Angel and Valentina Elder left Lan Auroras and manuela and I am Isaac and Aurora. valentina and angel study, if mikaela and lan are our parents and angel is ours and valentina is our lovely life my mother is Dylan and his wife is amaia he is ours he taught me and she is bitter hello oh I almost forgot about noah loyal and friendly aour
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