• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dulo7838
  • hace 7 años

hola me podrian decir cuales son los adjetivos de las siguientes oraciones en ingles.
1. my sister likes to play with the yellow ball.
2. the fast horses race down the dirt tracks.
3. i like to watch the wet dog play in the big yard
4. did you see the fast, brown monkey climb the tall tree.

porfavor alguien que me responda gracias.


Respuesta dada por: QUESTIONMASTER


1 yellow

2 fast

3 big

4 fast, brown, tall


Respuesta dada por: juankbiker


1. my sister likes to play with the yellow ball.

2. the fast horses race down the dirt tracks.

3. i like to watch the wet dog play in the big yard

4. did you see the fast, brown monkey climb the tall tree.


1. yellow

2. fast. dirt

3. wet. big

4. fast. brown. tall.

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