The term 'Cartesian' is used as an adjective to refer to everything that has to do with the diverse and very complex philosophical and thought theories proposed by one of the greatest French philosophers in history: René Descartes.
Coordination is the action and effect of coordinating or coordinating. It can refer to joining or joining two or more things to form a harmonious or synchronized set. You can also refer the action of directing or putting to work several elements with a common objective. The word, as such, received from the Latin coordinatio, coordinatiōnis.
Finley (Benton County, Washington) is a town located in the United States. It has a population of 6,012 inhabitants (year 2011), its average height is 108 meters above sea (354.3 feet or 118.1 yards above sea). Finley is geographically located at latitude: 46.154018, longitude: -119.033897 or what is the same expressed in GMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) latitude: 46º 9 '14' ', longitude: 119º 2' 2 ''.
That in an ordered series it occupies the final place and has nothing else of its own kind behind or after.
Cylindrical bar that goes through a rotating body and serves as a center for turning.