• Asignatura: Física
  • Autor: alondragl89
  • hace 8 años

Quien me ayuda a resolver los dos problemas :(



Respuesta dada por: saramichell672

It is easy to do. You just have to add, subtract, multiply and divide the integers with the smaller numbers and the larger ones with the positive ones and the negative ones.

it is easy to do. You just have to add, subtract, multiply and divide the integers with the smaller numbers and the larger ones with the positive ones and the negative ones. You ruma lu egos, you subtract them with the numbers 3 and four, then you only have to subtract the result with two and you add it by 7

alondragl89: the truth I do not understand much the matter that you could help me to solve them, it would be of great help
saramichell672: goed, ek help jou, maar ek weet nie die waarheid nie. Die eerste ding wat jy hoef te doen is om die getalle uit te werk
alondragl89: I'm sorry ? I did not understand very well what you put
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