• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: santiagomorey
  • hace 7 años

On what grounds did the Justice Department obtain a temporary court order forbidding the New York Times from publishing the Pentagon Papers? How did the Supreme Court rule in regard to the court order? Why?

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Respuesta dada por: arroyoreslenm


The Pentagon Papers are a secret document in 47 volumes counting the US military involvement. in Vietnam between 1945 and 1967. The work was commissioned in 1967 by then-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, who appointed Leslie Gelb, director of control planning for international security policy, as study supervisor. Gelb hired 36 military officers and civilian experts and historians to write the research monographs.4

The publication of the documents, first by The New York Times and later by The Washington Post, sparked public anger and shame against President Richard Nixon, who set up the US government machine. in action to compel the press to abandon publication of the document.

Among the revealed facts was that the United States had deliberately extended the actions of war with airstrikes against Laos, coastal attacks on North Vietnam and land actions by the Marines, even before President Johnson reported to the country in 1964, after promise that the Vietnam war would not be extended.5 The revelations caused a great scandal and increased the distance between the government and the American people, damaging the Nixon administration in its effort to carry out the war, already affected by the time of the protests across the country against the Vietnam war.

Ellsberg, a Pentagon official who had access to the documents, for having worked in the study group that produced them, declared as justification for his act that: “the documents demonstrated unconstitutional behavior by a succession of presidents, the violation of their oaths and the violation of the oath of his subordinates "and that he had copied and leaked the documents in the hope that his act would help his country" come out of a wrong war ".6

The articles of The New York Times began to appear on June 13, 1971, immediately causing great political controversy and legal actions against the newspaper.


Respuesta dada por: samuel1901


The Pentagon Papers, officially titled United States - Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967: A study prepared by the Department of Defense (United States - Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967: A study prepared by the Department of Defense ) is the popular name for a secret document that contains the history of the United States' involvement in Vietnam between 1945 and 1967. The Pentagon Papers began to be published on the front page of The New York Times in 1971,1 after having clandestinely taken from government files by Pentagon official Daniel Ellsberg. A 1996 article published by The New York Times claimed that the Pentagon documents


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