• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: haboid270123
  • hace 8 años

me pueden ayudar porfavor solo es una cosa


metesaca: hola q tala migo


Respuesta dada por: nebularstarts


Last weekend, I went to the montains with my family. We went by car. When we arrived, it was snowing, so we couldn't do anything. When the snow stopped, my family and I went to skii. It was amazing ! Then we explored the montain, and we found a cave. In the cave, there was a bear sleepping there ! We left the cave silently, and we returned to the city. I bought some souvenirs, and one of them was a teddy bear. You know why !


haboid270123: muchas gracias
nebularstarts: de nada
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