• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kevinjose18herrera
  • hace 7 años

ayudenme con este tema se llama can and could -por favor respondan las pregunts
⚫ Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above box.
1. I ___________ go to the party last night because I was sick.
2. A: ___________ Noel cook Italian food? B: Yes, he ___________.
3. My sister ___________ swim last year, but now she ___________.
4. They ___________ go shopping yesterday because the store was closed.
5. A: ___________ you read when you were four years old? B: Yes, I __________.
6. Ellie ___________ ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day.
7. I’m very tired, so I ___________ go out to the park to play.
8. A: ___________ you see the moon last night? B: No, I ___________.
9. When ___________ I talk to you about the company report?
10. Most dinosaurs walked on land, but some ___________ fly or even swim.
11. Excuse me, I ___________ hear you right now. The music is too loud.
12. I ___________ drive a truck when I was only sixteen years old.
13. Douglas hit the tree because he ___________ stop his car.
14. How many hot dogs ___________ you eat at one time?
15. I ___________ read without my reading glasses. Where are they?


Respuesta dada por: Nctzoner

1. I couldn't go to the party last night because i was sick.

2. A: Can Noel cook italian food?

B: Yes, he can

3. My sister couldn't swim last year but now she can

4. They couldn't go shopping yesterday because the store was closed

5. A: Could you read when you were four years old?

B: Yes, i could.

6. Ellie can ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day

7. I'm very tired, so i can't go out to the park to play

8. A: Could you see the moon last night?

B: No, i couldn't

9. When could i talk to you about the company report?

10. Most dinosaurs walked on land, but some could fly or even swim

11. Excuse me, i can't hear you right now, the music is too loud

12. I could drive a truck when i was only sixteen years old

13. Douglas hit the tree because he couldn't stop his car

14. How many hot dogs can you eat at one time?

15. I can't read without my reading glasses. Where are they?

Espero que te sirva! ♡

isabelcaamano123: no me sirve tu respuesta
isabelcaamano123: no sirve para nada
kmontero375: A mi si me sirve
Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completan las siguientes oraciones con los verbos modales can y could:

1. I couldn't go to the party last night because I was sick.

2. A: Can Noel cook Italian food? B: Yes, he can.

3. My sister couldn't swim last year, but now she can.

4. They couldn't go shopping yesterday because the store was closed.

5. A: Could you read when you were four years old? B: Yes, I could.

6. Ellie can ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day.

7. I’m very tired, so I can't go out to the park to play.

8. A: Could you see the moon last night? B: No, I couldn't.

9. When can I talk to you about the company report?

10. Most dinosaurs walked on land, but some could fly or even swim.

11. Excuse me, I can't hear you right now. The music is too loud.

12. I could drive a truck when I was only sixteen years old.

13. Douglas hit the tree because he couldn't stop his car.

14. How many hot dogs can you eat at one time?

15. I can't read without my reading glasses. Where are they?

Verbos modales más utilizados

  • Can - can’t: se emplea para expresar la capacidad para hacer algo, la posibilidad de hacer algo o permiso para poder hacer algo o no.
  • Could - couldn’t: se emplea como el pasado de can. Se puede utilizar para expresar la capacidad para hacer algo en el pasado. También se emplea en el presente para dar sugerencias o hacer pedidos.
  • Should - shouldn’t: se utiliza para dar consejos o indicar lo que se debería hacer o no.
  • Must - mustn’t: en oraciones afirmativas indica la obligación o necesidad fuerte de hacer algo, porque significa “deber”. En oraciones negativas significa una prohibición, algo que no está permitido.
  • Migth: se usa para expresar la posibilidad de que algo ocurra pero no hay 100% de seguridad y para hacer sugerencias.

Para aprender más sobre los verbos modales (modal verbs) consulta aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/189121 y https://brainly.lat/tarea/7613128


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