• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: floresedgardjos
  • hace 8 años

Construye en inglés 10 oraciones en Futuro Simple.

Y la otra tarea es:

Construye un listado de 10 verbos regulares y 10 verbos irregulares


Respuesta dada por: fioruchi472008


Oraciones con el futuro simple:

1. She will read the newspaper tomorrow.

2. We won't come to school by bus.

3. You will work very hard.

4. She won't like to sit  in the sun.

5. We will play in the park next week.

6. He won't watch his son in the race.

7. The store won't be open until seven o’clock.

8. The plant will die because of lack of sunshine.

9. We will try to arrive on time.

10. He won't walk to school.

Listado de 10 verbos regulares y 10 verbos irregulares:


1. Ask - asked

2. Believe - believed

3. Enjoy - enjoyed

4. Dance - danced

5. Watch - watched

6. Help - helped

7. Finish - finished

8. Kiss - kissed

9. Like - liked

10. Play - played


1. Eat - ate

2. Get - got

3. Break - broke

4. Steal - stole

5. Leave - left

6. Bring - brought

7. Catch - cought

8. Build - built

9. Begin - began

10. Sing - sang

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