• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: antonelace55
  • hace 7 años


1) Reescribir las oraciones en forma NEGATIVA e INTERROGATIVA (tener en cuenta el cuadro 2 y 3)
a. Mum was ill last week.
NEG: ______________________________________ / INT: ________________________________________
b. They were on holiday in May.
NEG: ______________________________________ / INT: ________________________________________
c. You were tired yesterday.
NEG: ______________________________________ / INT: ________________________________________
d. We were in the park at 5 o’clock yesterday.
NEG: ______________________________________ / INT: ________________________________________
e. Kim and Greg were married.
NEG: ______________________________________ / INT: ________________________________________
f. Frank Sinatra was a famous actor.
NEG: ______________________________________ / INT: _________________________________________

2) Lee el texto y luego responde las preguntas
Yesterday it was a great day. Mary was on a trip1 with her family.
They were at the beach all day. Her parents2 were happy because
they weren’t at work. Her sister was in the sea3 all morning.
The water was warm4 and It was very clear too. Dad and mum
were on the sand5. It was very hot Mary and her brother weren’t
very smart6, they didn’t use suncream7 so they got burnt!
All the same the trip was very funny.

a. Was it a great day yesterday? _____________________________________
b. Were they at the cinema? ____________________________________
c. Were Mary’s parents sad? ____________________________________
d. Was the water cold? ____________________________________
e. Were mum and dad on the sand? __________________________________
f. Was the trip very funny? _____________________________________

antonelace55: QUIEN ME AYUDA


Respuesta dada por: laurarojas777


1) negativo - mum was not ill last week

int- was mum I'll last week?

a)neg- they were not on holiday in may

int- were they holiday in may ?

b)neg- you were not tired yesterday

int- were you tired yesterday?

c)neg- we were not in the park at 5 o'clock yesterday

int- were we in the park at 5 o'clock yesterday?

d)neg- Kim and Greg not were married

int- were Kim and Greg married?

e)neg- Frank Sinatra not was a famous actor

int- was Frank Sinatra a famous actor?

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