• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Lauren228
  • hace 7 años

escribe la forma correcta del verbo que esta entre parentesis
1.Don't worry, I ____ (call) you tomorrow morning.
2. At 1pm tomorrow, we ____ (have) lunch.
3. Be careful, you ____ (fall)!
4. I ____ (not come) to the party tomorrow. I am leaving for Paris this afternoon.
5. I ____ (work) when they arrive.
6. He promises he ____ (be) careful.
7.I ____ (look) for a new job next month.


Respuesta dada por: Treadonme

will call

are having

might fall

am not coming

will be working

will be

will look

Respuesta dada por: aydamardelyp


1. Calling

2. Having

3. Falling

4. Not coming

5. Will be

6.Will look

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