• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: enzonbrito1324z1
  • hace 8 años

AYUDA...AYUDA...necesito un párrafo de 8 lineas sobre que a sido el coronavirus en venezuela en ingles en presente perfecto usando ¨has have¨...


Respuesta dada por: sofialoaizaidarraga


There are several challenges for the authorities, starting with regaining credibility, but, above all, improving the deteriorating health system. That is why Nicolas Maduro asked the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for $ 5 billion to address the COVID-19 crisis, but the request was quickly rejected. For Chavismo - who since Hugo Chávez maintains a speech against the IMF - requesting financing surprised many and shows that the COVID-19 crisis will be used to make politics, like other emergencies in Venezuela.

On March 6, 2020, the Pan American Health Organization announced the dispatch of experts to Venezuela, Nicaragua and Haiti, the three countries that determined with the greatest deficiencies in the early detection of COVID-19. Indeed, on Friday, March 13, Venezuela was the last country on the continent to make announcements: it referred to 2 confirmed cases of coronaviruses, and there are 33.


enzonbrito1324z1: gracias pero necesitaba un párrafo normal...y que usara el has have en ingles...
enzonbrito1324z1: no necesitaba algo de política...
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