• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 8 años

Make questions tags. a) The parter carried their cases to their room, . b) They were at the party, . c) She was not at home, . d) You don't like soccer, . e) They love John Wayne's film, . f) He is making a drawing of my face, . g) Your sister is not studying French this year, . i) Your brother is spending a lot of money, . j) Rita was feeling the cats, .


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


a) didn't he?

b) weren't they?

c) was she?

d) do you?

e) don't they?

f) isn't he?

g) is she?

h)isn't he?

i) wasn't she?

DOMINGORM7658: falta la f
estrellasdelfuturo79: ahi está
estrellasdelfuturo79: isn't he?
DOMINGORM7658: la j
DOMINGORM7658: perdona
estrellasdelfuturo79: wasn't she?
DOMINGORM7658: saves ingles
DOMINGORM7658: pero esa no es la i
DOMINGORM7658: j) Rita was feeding the cats, ________________________.
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