• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: antoabril1
  • hace 7 años

ordenar frases en ingles por favorr
1_ apples / are / some/ there / in / fridge / the .

2_big / is / a / there / my / near village / mountain.

3_area / are /any / in/ the / there /insects .

4_doesn't /sister/ Like /my / sport.


Respuesta dada por: lujanpera01


apples some there in the fridge

2 there is a my big near village mountain

3 any insects are in the area

4 my sister dosen't like sport


Respuesta dada por: daianayoctun


1 - there are some apples in the fridge.

2- there is a big mountain of my near village

3- there are any  insects in the area

4- my sister doesn't like sport.


there is es singular y there are es plural normalmente va al principio de una oración afirmativa y negativa

ejemplos :

Para hacer la negación, se usa isn’t/aren’t, como siempre, según el sustantivo singular o plural.


There isn’t any food in the fridge.

There aren’t any cats in the living room.


There is a dog in the park.

There is a man at the door.

There are three bottles of beer in the fridge.

There are six cats in the living room.

espero que te haya servido , si necesitas otra cosa en el curso de ingles , avisame ( me encanta el ingles y tengo una beca de cambridge ) atentamente : Dai

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