• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: emiliodamian2007
  • hace 8 años

Buenas noches compañeros quisiera pedirles que si pueden elaborar una descripción de mi de 180 palabras en ingles utilizando verbos pronombres, no importa si es inventada.
Muchas gracias


Respuesta dada por: wendiparra18


He is a person with many emotions. Very generous, active and fighters, an individual with the skills of very good speakers. He defends with great momentum freedom and justice. He likes balance and harmony. She loves reading and everything that involves numbers, like math. The man known as Emilio is brave and always with a positive character, above all. In his way there are no impossible. If the difficulties arise before what was proposed, this will not discourage him and he will face forward, managing to obtain his objective. His personality as an enthusiastic man makes him prevail over groups and collectives to impose their opinions. They are honest, specified, and very loyal. In the family they are overprotective brothers, their predisposition is to offer the best to them to obtain the well-being of both

In love Emilio does not express his feeling at once until he feels that he is in the right relationship for him and is completely full and ready to give everything to his partner

170 palabras espero haberte ayudado ;)

wendiparra18: oye una preguntita y mis puntos? no lo ago solo por los puntos pero me esforcé mucho
wendiparra18: hay no ya no ya aparecieron (^-^''') muchas grasias espero haberte ayudado
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