• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nervistimaure
  • hace 8 años

Necesito 10 oràciones en ingles y español sobre Las ventajas y desventajas de la tecnologia en presente y pasado continuo


Respuesta dada por: salvoluckas


1) It allows communication and interaction in society.

2) It promotes the quality of learning and skill development in society. 3) It increases the economic productivity in the society. 4) It allows development and teaching in education.

5) They foster the skills of students, and scientists.

6) It promotes business as well as scientific activity.

7) It allows the development of new pedagogical models based on the use of the capacities and potentialities offered by the technology. 8) Allows research on the same technologies. It proposes to improve or optimize our control of the world.


1) Lower security for society. There is inadequate management of technological tools.

2) There is the easy addiction of those who use it.

3) There is environmental pollution, and damage to people, due to the creation of inventions in factories producing desmog. 4) Privacy in certain cases is violated. There is the impersonation of personality as well as delinquency.

Ver más en Brainly.lat - https://brainly.lat/tarea/5182057#readmore <----entra


Creditos: Lucascabj100 ° Ambicioso

Respuesta dada por: anderson42087


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