• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: porrastania446
  • hace 7 años

Completa el siguiente párrafo con los verbos dados en paréntesis conjugándolos en presente simple.
Hi! My name is (be) João. I.......................... (live) in New York City, but I...................... (be) originally from Curitiba
in Brazil. My father.............................(have) a very interesting job, he........................(have) a barbecue restaurant here in New York
City. Barbecues.........................(be) very different in the USA, and the Americans really..............................(like) to eat a typical
Brazilian barbecue. My father.................................(import) the meat from Brazil, especially “picanha”. And all the
waiters...............................(come) from the south of Brazil.
My mother..............................(work) in the restaurant too. She.................................(manage) the waiters,
............................(make) reservations and...............................(check) if the meat..............................(be) good. My family and
I...............................(eat) meat every day, but my mother......................................(insist) that my sister and I eat salad, too.
I............................(be) so happy that my father created this piece of Brazil in New York City


Respuesta dada por: tivenpolo


1. live

2. am

3. has

4. has

5. is

6. like

7. importants

8. come

9. works

10. manages

11. make

12. check

13. is

14. insists


Respuesta dada por: timequeenlol

I live in New York City, But i Am originally from Curitiba in Brazil, My father has a very interesting job, he has a barbecue restaurant here in New York City. Barbecues are very different in the USA, and the Americans really like to eat a typical Brazilian barbecue. My father imports the meat from Brazil, especially "picanha" And all the waiters come from the south of brazil. My mother works in the restaurant too. She manages the waiters, makes reservations and checks if the meat is good. My family and i eat meat every day, but my mother insists that my sister and i eat salad, too. I am so happy that my father created this piece of Brazil in New York City.

Espero que haya sido de ayuda



porrastania446: pero esque no veo las palabras que van en la lines
porrastania446: lines
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