• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: xedih61134
  • hace 8 años

Necesito pasar estas dos oraciones a pasado perfecto progresivo, presente perfecto progresivo, futuro perfecto y condicional
1-Susana watches this horror movie now, it is her favorite film
2- I did my homework last week.


Respuesta dada por: EmilyPalacios25


Estas son las respuestas:


1- Susana watches this horror movie now, it is her favorite film

Pasado perfecto progresivo: Susana had been watching this horros movie, it is her favorite film.

Futuro perfecto: Susana will have watched this horror movie, it is her favorite film.

Condicional: If Susana wathces this horror movie, it'll be because it is her favorite film

2- I did my homework last week

Pasado perfecto progresivo: I had been doing my homework since last week

Futuro perfecto: I will have done my homework

Condicional: If I do my homework, i'll get a good score.

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