10 oraciones interrogativa con must, should con respuestas
1. Should i go to the dance with her?
Yes, you should.
2. Must I eat all my vegetables?
You must, if you want to grow big and strong.
3. Which dress should I wear?
You should wear the pink one.
4. How many sentences must I write?
You must write ten sentences.
5. Why should I listen to her?
You should listen to her because she is telling the truth.
6. Where must I drop off your bags?
You must drop them off at my house.
7. Who should I ask for help?
You should ask your mother for help.
8. When must I go to his house?
You must be there tomorrow at 9 pm.
9. Should she tell him?
No, she shouldn't, it is a bad idea.
10. Who must I give the packet to?
You must give the packet to the janitor.
El verbo must indica una obligación, mientras should se usa para sugerencias.