• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Elenarose
  • hace 8 años

History of medicine: The history of medicine is the branch of history dedicated to the study of medical knowledge and practices over time. From its origins, the human being has tried to explain the reality and the transcendental events that take place in it, such as life, death or illness. Medicine had its beginnings in prehistory, which also has its own field of study known as medical anthropology. Plants, minerals and parts of animals were used, in most of the times these substances were used in magical rituals by shamans, priests, magicians, sorcerers, animists, spiritualists or fortune tellers.1 The first civilizations and human cultures based their medical practice in two apparently opposite pillars: a primitive and pragmatic empiricism (applied fundamentally to the use of herbs or remedies obtained from nature) and a magico-religious medicine, which resorted to the gods to try to understand the inexplicable. The data of the Ancient Age found show medicine in different cultures such as medicine Āyurveda of India, ancient Egypt, ancient China and Greece. One of the first recognized historical figures is Hippocrates who is also known as the father of medicine, Aristotle; supposedly a descendant of Asclepius, by his family: the Asclepiades of Bithynia; and Galen. After the fall of Rome in Western Europe the Greek medical tradition declined. In the V century a. C. Alcmeón de Crotona started a stage based on the technique (tekhné), defined by the conviction that the disease originated from a series of natural phenomena that could be modified or reversed. That was the germ of modern medicine, although over the next two millennia many other currents will arise (mechanicism, vitalism ...) and medical models from other cultures with a long medical tradition, such as China, will be incorporated. In the past, most of the medical thought was due to what other authorities had said before and it was seen in such a way that if it was said it remained as the truth. This way of thinking was mainly replaced between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the time of the pandemic of the Black Death. Also, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, anatomy went through a breakthrough thanks to the contribution of Leonardo Da Vinci, who designed, together with Marcantonio Della Torre, an anatomist doctor from Pavia, one of the first and fundamental treatises on anatomy, called Il libro del l'Anatomia. Although most of the more than 200 illustrations on the human body that Da Vinci made for this treaty disappeared, you can see some of those that survived in his treatise on painting. 2) DE ACUERDO AL PÁRRAFO LEE DETENIDAMENTE Y RESPONDE EN INGLES LA SIGUIENTE PREGUNTA: 1) WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE 2) LEE DETENIDAMENTE Y EXTRAE LA IDEA PRINCIPAL DEL PÁRRAFO EN ESPAÑOL 3) LEE DETENIDAMENTE Y EXTRAE LA IDEA SECUNDARIA DEL PÁRRAFO EN INGLES Y ESPAÑOL 4) SUGIERA UN TITULO PARA EL PÁRRAFO 5) SELECCIONE EL SIGNIFICADO DE LAS SIGUIENTES PALABRAS SEGÚN SU UBICACIÓN EN EL TEXTO EXAMPLE: USED: USADO, USAR, USABAN FUNDAMENTALLY: FUNDAMENTALMENTE, FUNDAR, FUNDAMENTAR TECHNIQUE: TECNIFICAR, TÉCNICA, TÉCNICO CONVICTION: CONVICCIÓN, CONVENCER, CONVENCIDO DISAPPEARED: DESAPARECER, DESAPARECIDO, DESAPARECIERON SURVIVED: SOBRELLEVAR, SOBREVIVIR, SOBREVIVIERON


Respuesta dada por: natarh2093


n the history of medicine, you will live forever.

Toda la historia de la medicina puede ser compendiada en esta doble referencia.

In this twofold allusion the whole history of medicine may be well summarized.

Y para ser testigo de cómo se hace la historia de la medicina.

To witness medical history being made.


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