• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: melodyalexandracasta
  • hace 8 años

Oraciones en peesente continuo en ingles en afirmativo , negativo e interrogativo


Respuesta dada por: Chris882
I’m doing my homework
She is asking for candys
He isn’t doing exercise
My friend is talking on the phone
We are eating together
I’m not telling jokes
That dog isn’t running too fast
She is laughing with her friends
You are not watching TV
They aren’t playing basketball
Respuesta dada por: Indriago202

La partícula "ing" se utiliza cuando estas haciendo ese algo en este mismo momento, por ejemplo "yo camino" "I am walk" esta diciendo que el camina, pero cuando le añadimos "ing", dice "yo estoy caminando" osea "I am walking". Bueno sin mas preámbulo comenzamos:

Pablo is eating

Is Pablo eating?

Yes, Pablo is eating

No, Pablo is not eating

My brother is reading a book

Is my brother reading a book?

Yes, My brother is reading a book

No,My brother is not reading a book

The dog is runing for the park

Is the dog runing forma the park?

Yes, The dog is runing for the park

No,The dog is not runing for the park

Maria is walking for the street

Is Maria walking for the street?

Yes, Maria is walking for the street

No,Maria is not walking for the street

Juan is looking the tv

Is Juan looking the tv?

Yes, Juan is looking the tv

No, Juan is not looking the tv

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