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Economía y administración
La economía mundial está viviendo una de sus más profundas crisis. Desde el momento en que se presento en el 2008 el mundo ha vivido largos periodos de desaceleración económica y cortos de frágil recuperación lo cual ha hecho que caiga en un circulo vicioso que hasta el momento no parece culminar. Si no hubieran estado presente deficiciencias en los principales países desarrollados no estuvieran contribuyendo en la inestabilidad económica global
Economy and administration The world economy is experiencing one of its deepest crises. Since its introduction in 2008, the world has lived through long periods of economic slowdown and short periods of fragile recovery, which has caused it to fall into a vicious circle that so far does not seem to culminate. If deficits had not been present in major developed countries they would not be contributing to global economic instability
Se traduce así:
Economy and administration:
The world economy is experiencing one of its deepest crises. From the moment it was presented in 2008, the world has lived long periods of economic slowdown and short fragile recovery which has caused it to fall into a vicious circle that so far does not seem to culminate. If deficiencies had not been present in the main developed countries, they were not contributing to global economic instability.