Espero que te sirva de ayuda. Lo siento por que halla algunas palabras subrayadas
1. No, I ______ my sister. I'll text her later.
Answer 1: No, I have not phoned my sister. I'll text her later.
Translation 1: No he telefoneado a mi hermana. Le enviaré un mensaje más tarde.
2. She _______ a lot of people to her wedding.
Answer 2: She has invited a lot of people to her wedding.
Translation 2: Ella ha invitado a mucha gente a su boda.
3. We _____ a lot of photographs during our holidays.
Answer 3: We have taken a lot of photographs during our holidays.
Translation 3: Hemos tomado un montón de fotografías durante nuestras vacaciones.
4. A: Where's Mike?
B: I don't know, I _______ him today.
Answer 4B: I don't know, I have not seen him today.
Translation 4B: No sé, no le he visto hoy.
5. Mum, Alex _____ his bed!!
Answer 5: Mum, Alex has not done his bed!!
Translation 5: ¡Mamá, Alex no ha hecho su cama!
6. It's Megan's birthday tomorrow but ______ her present.
Answer 6: It's Megan's birthday tomorrow but I have not bought her present.
Translation 6: Mañana es el cumpleaños de Megan, pero no le he comprado su regalo.
7. A: Where's Ann?
B: She ____ to bed.
Answer 7B: She has gone to bed.
Translation 7B: Ella se ha ido a la cama.
8. I think we ____ before but I ______ your name.
Answer 8: I think we have met before but I have forgotten your name.
Translation 8: Yo creo que nos hemos conocido antes pero he olvidado tu nombre.
9. I'm starving! I ______ anything since yesterday.
Answer 9: I'm starving! I have nor eaten anything since yesterday.
Translation 9: ¡Estoy hambriento! No he comido nada desde ayer.