• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Rosergs05
  • hace 8 años

You can make a story of three paragraphs using the words so, although, because, adjective opinions and Word builder ​


Rosergs05: Por favor AYUDAAA


Respuesta dada por: crlaa

porfavor dame mas detalles y te hago la historia en un momento no se si ha de ser de u tema en concreto te ago una si no te sirve dime el tema

hello i'm Gina and this is the story of my life,all starts the day of my birth when i falt of my mums hands, i broke my arm i was soo young now i don t have ne arm natural,because i have an metal hand my dream of my live is to have an a real hand but i know that is inposible athout i am naw a cientist looking for a remedy but i don t have much expectatives, i ts my dream but all dreams are not wull become real , i know becose the live is the live is not all afantasy story there are good and bad persons , i don t have friends i don t have familly i only have my lab and  machines i think that s gate because no one anoys about me it s funny sometimes disgusting but is my live and is not perfect i am happy with the thinks i have and i don t want to change nothing.


espero que te sirva

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