• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: graceplazas
  • hace 8 años

Make the questions with the past conitnuos: ( solo en past continuos ).
- You / both / cycle / in / park / this / afternoon/ ?
- Mariella / do / homework / when / he / text / her/?
- You / talk / while / he / try / to / speak/ ?


Respuesta dada por: juankbiker


- You / both / cycle / in / park / this / afternoon/ ?

were you both parking this cycle in the afternoon?  

- Mariella / do / homework / when / he / text / her/?

Was Mariella doing her homework when he was texting?

when were Mariella and he doing her text homework?

- You / talk / while / he / try / to / speak/ ?

were you talking while he was trying to speak?


Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

Make the questions with the past continuous:

- You / both / cycle / in / park / this / afternoon/ ?

Respuesta: Were you both cycling in the park this afternoon?

- Mariella / do / homework / when / he / text / her/?

Respuesta: Was Mariella doing homework when he texted her?

- You / talk / while / he / try / to / speak/ ?

Respuesta: Were you talking while he was trying to speak?

\textit{\textbf{Michael Spymore1}}  

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