• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andresgarcia290405
  • hace 8 años

Alguien me puede dar 5 oraciones interrogativa en Inglés con sus respuestas en positivo y negativo porfa


Respuesta dada por: MariaPaulaRomeroMari

Respuesta: 1- are you making a doll for you sister now?

yes i am/ no, i'm not

2- is Peter studying languages in this moment?

yes, he is/ no he isn't

3- is Mary enjoying the movie at the moment?

yes, she is/ no, she isn't

4-are they doing the exercise just now?

yes, they are/ no, they are not

5-are you making the cake now?

yes, i am/ no, i'm not


Respuesta dada por: Szha


❓Have you ever tried skydiving?

✅ Yes, I went skydiving last summer.

❌ No, but I’d like to try it.

❓Do you usually take notes at class?

✅ Yes I do.

❌ No, but I should do it.

❓Do you often visit you grandparents?

✅ Yes, I go every weekend.

❌ No, the last time was tree weeks ago.

❓Have you ever tried Chinese food?

✅ Yes, I went to a lot of Chinese restaurants.

❌ Never, there are no Chinese restaurants in my town.

❓Would you like to visit Turkey?

✅ Of course, I’m saving some money for the journey

❌ Not yet, I don’t have time.

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