• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: miguelangelsaravia
  • hace 8 años

Por favor necesito ayuda, escribir un parrafo sobre Interesting dishes en inglés.


Respuesta dada por: creepy65


interesting dishes are delicious, and exotic and a ton of times expensive (yep, but they worth), i like them because they can got a lot of flavor, anyway you'll savor them once and maybe you like it so much (that's probably) and that's all i can say (teacher, i did it as wall as i could)


ahora si u.u

miguelangelsaravia: con interesting dishes me refería a alimentos.
creepy65: shit
creepy65: te la re-escribo
miguelangelsaravia: muchas gracias
creepy65: dnd UwUr, perdóname mi modo down se activó en ese momento ksksks
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