dark house
The house was built in the middle of the 18th century and some signs could still be found that it had once been a famous meeting place for people who liked playing card games. By the time it was bought by a famous mister some two hundred years later it had been owned by a long list of different people whose names are recorded on the title deeds. As it is situated by the sea, it became a favorite place for various members of the family to visit. It also had an added attraction — it was haunted, at least so mister said. To this day of course it never had been proved. The story according to my uncle was that at certain times of the day, incidentally at all
times when the house was only occupied by mister, a small figure appeared at the bottom of the stairs in the shape of an old lady and held firmly in her hands what appeared to be a walking stick. She waited a moment, looked up the stairs, climbed a few steps to check as if she was being watched and then suddenly she could no longer be seen.
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