• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jannyann0310
  • hace 8 años

Resolver estas frases:

1.- I don't wear very f _ _ _ _ _ _ e clothes like dresses or skirts. I prefer jeans.
2.- Aww, that's a c _ _ e little button with the rabbit on it!
3.- I love p _ _ e colours, like lemon or cream.
4.- My room's painted in a b _ _ d orange colour- it's lovely and bright!
5.- Blake always wears c _ _ _ _ l clothes, even for formal events.
6.- My little sister loves wearing a b _ w in her hair.
7.- I often decorates my notebooks and diary with fun s _ _ _ _ _ _s which make them look nice.
8.- I love this bag. It's got a long s _ _ _ p so I can wear it over my shoulder.


Respuesta dada por: almamalatesta2006


1- femenine 2- cute 3- pale  5-casual 7- stickers 8- strip

Perdon pero no pude hacer los dos ejercicios restantes, espero que los puedas resolver

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