• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: aloser
  • hace 8 años

dar respuestas alas sgtes preguntas

2. When did she arrive?
3. Why did he eat so much?
4. What did they do yesterday?
5. Who did you meet at the party?
6. How did she come to work this morning?
7. Where did I leave my glasses?
8. When did he get home last night?
9. What did you do at the weekend?
10. Why did she get angry?
11. Who did they talk to earlier?
12. What did we do last Christmas?
13. Why did it rain on my birthday?


Respuesta dada por: sophiavasquez46


2. she arrived the friday

3. He ate a lot because he was hungry

4, yesterday we went to run

5,  in the party met to Alex

6.  in the morning I was in car to the work

7. you left your glasses in the kitchen

8.   to night arrived to the 8 o´clock

9. the weekend I was to the beach

10.  she is angry because get a bad grade

11. we speak wich my mom

12.  Last Christmas we went on a trip

13. because it was cold ..


2. ella llego el viernes

3. el comio mucho porque tenia hambre

4, ayer fuimos a correr

5.  en la fiesta conoci a alex

6. en la mañana yo fui en carro a trabajar

7. dejaste tus lentes en la cocina

8. anoche llegue a las 8 en punto

9.   el fin de semana estuve en la playa

10, ella está enojada porque saco  una mala nota

11.  hablamos con mi mama

12.  la ultima navidad fuimos de viaje

13. porque estava haciendo frio..

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