• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: santiagoguapo007
  • hace 8 años

oraciones en ingles con behind


Respuesta dada por: Adriaross1


Estas son algunas oraciones usando la preposición BEHIND

• The kid is hiding behind the door

• Look behind you

• We can side behind the first table

• She can walk behind us

• My boyfriend loves to hug me from behind

• They don't know what is behind the forest

• Behind his temper there is a sweet person

• My dog runs behind me

• Please, grab the papers behind the desk

• I don't understand what is behind the war 


Respuesta dada por: galand

The bus is behind schedule

El autobus esta retrasado

She always hides her keys behind the rock

Ella siempre esconde sus llaves detras de la piedra

I walk behind my dog

Yo camino detras de mi perro

The poool is behind the house

La picina esta detras de la casa

They closed the door behinde them

Ellos cerraron la puerta detras de ellos

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