• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: camilita1520
  • hace 8 años

(2) Choose the correct options.
Max and Emily are at the train station,
but they don't have their tickets.
a café (b) station center
2 "I want a coffee and a sandwich."
"Let's go to the ....."
a museum b café c library
3 I want to buy a T-shirt from the store in the
a library b shopping mall c station
4 There's a new swimming pool at the .....
a library b movie theater c gym
5 We want to see the elephants at the
a zoo b museum shopping mall
6 In the.... you can play soccer.
a library b museum c park​


Respuesta dada por: lilylevyft


La primera es la B) Station center, la siguiente es la B) Café, luego, la B) Shopping mall, la cuatro es la C) Gym, la Cinco es la A) Zoo. Finalmente, la seis es la C) Park

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