Escribe 10 oraciones utilizando future time clauses y todas las conjunciones (usa diferentes verbos y sujetos)
Las conjunciones son: before, after, as soon as, until, when, etc.
Se tiene que hacer las oraciones con: will y para negativo: won't
1. She'll look for a job when she graduates.
2. He is going to get a job when he graduates.
3. Before I get a job, I'll finish the school.
4. I'll stay in school until I get a job.
5. While I look for a job, I'll go on studying.
6. As soon as I graduate, I'll look for a job.
7. I won't look for a job until I graduate.
8. She'll visit the school before she applies.
9.I’m going to cook dinner before my wife arrives
10. I'll call my boss as soon as I have the report
I'LL= I will
SHE'LL= She will
You're welcome~TRT
Las oraciones en futuro se forman utilizando el auxiliar "will", su estructura es la siguiente:
- Sujeto + will + verbo + complemento.
1.- Mary will stop for gas before going to work.
2.- John won't go to the movies after class.
3.- He will help you with your homework as soon as he has time.
4.- Laura will live in England until she finishes her studies.
5.- We will go to class even if we have to walk.
6.- They will buy some milk when they go to the supermarket.
7.- I will look for the best price before buying a house.
8.- As soon as I learn how to drive I will buy a car.
9.- Harry won't eat vegetables even if he's hungry.
10.- They will graduate after that test.
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