• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Pecosita17
  • hace 8 años

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♤Completar las preguntas con las palabras de la pregunta correcta:

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juanacortesloaiza2: Hola, osea quieres que pase la oración a presente interrogativo?


Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

1. You like speaking English, ...?

Answer 1: c.) You like speaking English, don't you?

Translation: Te gusta hablar inglés, ¿no?

2. You come to school by car, ....?

Answer 2: c.) You come to school by car, don't you?

Translation: Vienes a la escuela en coche, ¿no?

3. You are sixteen, ...?

Answer 3: d.) You are sixteen, aren't you?

Translation: Tienes dieciséis años, ¿no?

4. I saw you at the mall yesterday, ...?

Answer 4: d.) I saw you at the mall yesterday, weren't you?

Translation: Te vi en el centro comercial ayer, ¿no?

5. You weren't late this morning, ...?

Answer 5: b.) You weren't late this morning, were you?

Translation: No llegaste tarde esta mañana, ¿verdad?

6. You have a dog, ... ?

Answer 6: c.) You have a dog, don't you?

Translation: Tienes un perro, ¿no?

7. You've never been to Japan, ...?

Answer 7: a.) You've never been to Japan, have you?

Translation: Nunca has estado en Japón, ¿verdad?

8. Your mother's a doctor, ...?

Answer 8: c.) Your mother's a doctor, isn't she?

Translation: Tu madre es una doctora, ¿no?

9. You don't live far from here, ...?

Answer 9: a.) You don't live far from here, do you?

Translation: No vives lejos de aquí, ¿verdad?

10. Your parents are divorced, ...?

Answer 10: d.) Your parents are divorced, aren't they?

Translation: Tus padres están divorciados, ¿no?

11. You often go running, ...?

Answer 11: c.) You often go running, don't you?

Translation: A menudo vas corriendo, ¿no?

12. You've seen the Statue of Liberty, ... ?

Answer 12: d.) You've seen the Statue of Liberty, haven't you?

Translation: Has visto la Estatua de la Libertad, ¿no?

13. You have lunch at school, ...?

Answer 13: c.) You have lunch at school, don't you?

Translation: Almuerzas en la escuela, ¿no?

14. You went to Switzerland last year, ...?

Answer 14: c.) You went to Switzerland last year, didn't you?

Translation: Fuiste a Suiza el año pasado, ¿no?

15. English is difficult, ...?

Answer 15: b.) English is difficult, isn't it?

Translation: El inglés es difícil, ¿no?

16. You're going to the cinema tomorrow, ...?

Answer 16: b.) You're going to the cinema tomorrow, aren't you?

Translation: Vas a ir al cine mañana, ¿no?

17. You'll help me with my homework, ...?

Answer 17: d.) You'll help me with my homework, won't you?

Translation: Me ayudarás con mi tarea, ¿no?

18. You're very good at question tags, ...?

Answer 18: d.) You're very good at question tags, aren't you?

Translation: Eres muy bueno en las etiquetas de preguntas, ¿no?

19. It won't rain tomorrow, ...?

Answer 19: c.) It won't rain tomorrow, will it?

Translation: No lloverá mañana, ¿verdad?

20. You don't like this exercise, ...?

Answer 20: a.) You don't like this exercise, do you?

Translation: No te gusta este ejercicio, ¿verdad?

\textit{\textbf{Michael Spymore}}

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