• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: taniacaraballo02
  • hace 8 años

un texto en passive voice

taniacaraballo02: como se hace


Respuesta dada por: sugar7u753


Two football fans were arrested last night near the stadium. The suspects were taken to the police station for further investigation. They allegedly stole a brand Ferrari

sugar7u753: Dos aficionados al fútbol fueron arrestados anoche cerca del estadio. Los sospechosos fueron llevados a la comisaría para una investigación más profunda. Supuestamente robaron una Ferrari nuevo.
Respuesta dada por: carovi2211


The stolen Ferrari

Two football fans were arrested last night near the stadium. The suspects were taken to the police station for further investigation. They allegedly stole a brand Ferrari.

The owner of the car told the police that the thieves were wearing a football team jersey. After the suspects were caught, the owner of the car was called to identify the thieves.

However, the owner of the car said that he had made a huge mistake because the car hadn’t been stolen; the car had been taken by his wife to go to a concert because her car was broken.

An apology was offered to the two football fans; besides, the owner of the car offered to give them 5000 dollars to compensate his mistake. The money was not accepted. The two football fans will be released tomorrow morning.


Explicación: Diferencia con la voz activa

La voz pasiva se opone a la VOZ ACTIVA. Cuando hablamos sobre la voz activa, nos referimos a la forma tradicional de construir las oraciones en inglés.

Esta forma convencional es:

Sujeto + Verbo + Complemento Carl built a house (Carl construyó una casa)

   Sujeto: Carl

   Verbo: built

   Complemento: a house

Por otra lado, cuando es más importante la acción que la persona o sujeto qué la realizó, se usa la VOZ PASIVA. En la oración anterior la acción es “construir una casa” y el sujeto es “Carl”. En este caso, podemos usar la voz pasiva así:

The house was built by Carl. (La casa fue construida por Carl)

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