• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nikol90
  • hace 8 años

oraciones con did que sean irregulares.

gaby9141: Espero que lo hayas entendido:)
nikol90: I understand it I know English
Kennysaro: so why are you asking those questions here?
gaby9141: All right!:)
nikol90: kenny a quien le preguntas
gaby9141: Parece que te pregunta a vos..
Kennysaro: a ti nikol
nikol90: nadien knows that question
nikol90: I need an answer


Respuesta dada por: gaby9141


  • Did you listen music?
  • Did John play football in the garden?
  • Did Martin and Joana watch TV?
  • Did Mark dance folklore?
  • Did they talk on the phone last week?
  • Did you eat pizza?
  • Did you sleep in your house?
  • Did he run this morning?


Para hacer preguntas en pasado hay que seguir lo siguiente...

Did + S + V/base + complement ?

Espero que te halla ayudado...

Kennysaro: listen, play, watch y dance son todos verbos regulares
nikol90: si
Kennysaro: tu pediste irregulares ¿no?
nikol90: yes
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