• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alexisvelasquez15
  • hace 8 años

10 oraciones con el segundo condicional sobre el cambio climático, por favor es urgente


Respuesta dada por: kaipirinha

El segundo condicional habla de cosas que aún podrían suceder, aunque la posibilidad de que ocurran parece remota. Al construirlo se usa el pasado simple. Su estructura es la siguiente:

If + sujeto + pasado simple + sujeto + would/could (para habilidades) + infinitivo (sin to)


  1. If I were you, I would start using bicycles.
  2. If we started recycling, we could help the planet.
  3. If people started buying electric cars, the ozone layer would stop deteriorating.
  4. If we took care of our planet, next generations could enjoy it.
  5. If I had money, I would start a campaign to save the planet.
  6. If I were him, I would stop financing the biggest CO2-emitting corporations.
  7. If my sister started using a bicycle instead of her car, she could reduce her CO2 emissions.
  8. If people took climate change seriously, we could make a big difference.
  9. If schools taught about sustainable development, we could raise awareness on climate change from a very young age.
  10. If you and your family reduced your CO2 emissions, you would be able to enjoy normal changes of weather.
Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

10 Oraciones con el segundo condicional sobre el cambio climático

  1. If you come to help me, I finish quick.
  2. If she gets sick, go to the hospital.
  3. If they love me, they let me go.
  4. If I mix red and blue, I get purple.
  5. If we run, we arrive faster.
  6. If she doesn't put sun cream on, you get burnt.
  7. If you cut meat in that way, you cut yourself.
  8. If you don't refrigerate the water, it doesn't become ice.
  9. The grass gets wet when it rains.
  10. If you study, you pass the test.
  11. I go to the party if I do my homework.
  12. You get burnt If you don't put sun cream
  13. He passes the exam If He read the essay.
  14. The ice melts if you heat it.

Ver más en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/6170034

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