necesito que alguien que se pa inglés me traduzca esto(sin traductor):
Tu talento es un regalo de Dios para ti, y debes mostrarle al mundo lo que sabes hacer y lo bueno que eres haciendolo. No todos sabemos hacer lo mismo, unos pueden cantar, otros bailar u otra cosa diferente, si hoy no te sale un paso o una nota no te rindas e inténtalo hasta que te salga. ¿te vas a demorar? si talvez, pero créeme que vale la pena cuando veas que si pudiste y quiero que eso se lo muestres al mundo. habrá críticas y personas que no te darán apoyo y deberás enfrentarlas y demostrarles que no te importa lo que digan. también habrá gente que siempre estará para ti en esto y esa sí es gente que vale la pena. Y recuerda, nunca te rindas, tú y tu talento valen oro.
Your talent is a gift from God to you, and you must show the world what you do and how good you are doing it. Not everyone can do the same, some can sing, others dance or something different, if today you do not get a step or a note do not give up and try it until it comes out. Are you going to delay? Yes maybe, but believe me it's worth it when you see that you could and I want you to show that to the world. There will be critics and people who will not give you support and you will have to face them and show them that you do not care what they say. there will also be people who will always be there for you in this and that is worthwhile people. And remember, never give up, you and your talent are worth gold.
Your talent is a gift from God to you, and you must show the world what you do and how good you are doing it. Not everyone can do the same, some can sing, others dance or something different, if today you do not get a step or a note do not give up and try it until it comes out. Are you going to delay? Yes maybe, but believe me it's worth it when you see that you could and I want you to show that to the world. There will be critics and people who will not give you support and you will have to face them and show them that you do not care what they say. there will also be people who will always be there for you in this and that is worthwhile people. And remember, never give up, you and your talent are worth gold.