• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: diegoandres20
  • hace 8 años

20 oraciones con used to en interrogativa​


Respuesta dada por: gabrielvivas12


You used to work very hard. (Tú solías trabajar muy duro)

She used to live in Japan. (Ella solía vivir en Japón)

They used to swim on weekends. (Ellos solían nadar los fines de semana)

She used to sit  in the park. (Ella solía sentarse en el parque)

He used to walk to school. (Él solía caminar para ir a la escuela)

Mr. Green used to work with my uncle. (El Sr. Green solía trabajar con mi tío)

He used to work in his garden. (El solía trabajar en su jardín)

He used to study for his English class. (Él solía estudiar para su clase de inglés)

You used to watch television every night. (Usted solía ver televisión todas las noches)

They used to talk for hours. (Ellos solían hablar por horas)

He used to live in Boston. (Él solía vivir en Boston)

We used to listen music until ten o’clock last night (Nosotros solíamos escuchar música hasta las 10 anoche)

She used to visit London. (Ella solía visitar Londres)

He used to watch television until twelve o’clock last night. (Él solía ver televisión hasta las 12 anoche)

She used to smoke a lot. (Ella solía fumar mucho)

You used to arrive ten minutes late. (Tú solías llegar 10 minutos tarde)

She used to read the newspaper. (Ella solía leer el periódico)

She used to send her child to a summer camp. (Ella solía enviar a su hijo a un campamento de verano)

We used to eat together. (Nosotros solíamos comer juntos)

She used to go there twice a week. (Ella solía ir allí dos veces a la semana)

We used to give her a gift in her birthday. (Nosotros solíamos darle un regalo en su cumpleaños)

I used to drive to work. (Yo solía conducir al trabajo)

They used to sell books there. (Ellos solían vender libros allí)

They used to visit us. (Ellos solían visitarnos)

He used to teach French. (Él solía enseñar francés)

She used to make so many mistakes. (Ella solía cometer muchos errores)

Mi son used to be a good student. (Mi hijo solía ser un buen estudiante)

She used to play the violin. (Ella solía tocar el violín)

All meetings used to be held in his office. (Todas las reuniones solían ser celebradas en su oficina)

I used to buy my clothes in that store. (yo solía comprar mi ropa en esa tienda)


diegoandres20: muchas gracias
Respuesta dada por: qyuwoki
I used to play soccer

He used to cook, but now he doesn't have time for it

Did she used to spend her free time reading comics?

You used to exercise everyday

He used to live in USA

They used to like rap music

Where did you use to live?

I used to dance all night long

Mary used to play with her dolls when she was little

They used to watch cartoons

John used to collect stamps when he was a child

She didn't use to sleep with the lights on

My uncle used to play tennis

We used to go to the cinema

Did he use to drink alcohol?

We didn't use to watch TV when we were younger

I used to like reggaeton

I used to drink coffee every morning but now i drink tea

She used to live in London

He used to play rugby on Sundays
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