• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: AntonellaMera26
  • hace 8 años

5 oraciones con tastes en ingles, 5 con smells, 5 con sounds y 5 con looks les doy 25 puntos al que lo haga es urgente porfa.


Respuesta dada por: stefanosuarez





Respuesta dada por: qichen6247641892009


My taste is too expensive for a man like you. Mis gusto es muy caro para un hombre como tú. They have the taste of victory in their mouths, dear. Tienen el gusto de la victoria en sus bocas, querido.

You'll have to smell the flowers in her attic later. Tendrás que oler las flores de su ático más adelante. And there's nothing wrong with my sense of smell. Y no hay nada mal con mi sentido del olfato.

Our work must be sound and efficient, but also intense.

Nuestro trabajo debe ser racional y eficiente, pero también intenso.

Well, the sound of your voice was threatening to her.

Bueno, el sonido de tu voz fue amenazante para ella.

Any musical note can represent the sound of a whistle.

She looked beautiful with that dress last Friday, and now she looks just different.

They were looking for an excellence doctor on Internet when you arrived.

He looks as a superhero when he jumps and run for the entire backyard.

My mom is going to look for my brother at school.

I´m going to look for my cat.


dame corona pliss

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