• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yuliedtcamacho
  • hace 8 años

necesito los sustantivos, adjetivos, vervo y adverbios de estas lecturas:

1. Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. Like most ailments, it has its own symptoms and cure. Some of the symptoms of culture shock are excessive washing of the hands, excessive concern over drinking water, food dishes, and bedding; fear of physical contact with attendants, the absent minded stare; a feeling of helplessness and a desire for independence on long term residents of one’s own nationality; fits of anger over minor frustrations; great concern over minor pains and eruptions of the skin; and finally, that terrible longing to be back home.
Individuals differ greatly in the degree in which culture shock affects them. Although not common, there are individuals who cannot live in foreign countries. However, those who have seen people go through culture shock and on to a satisfactory adjustment can discern steps in the progress. During the first few weeks most individuals are fascinated by the new. They stay in hotels and associate with nationals who speak their language and are polite and gracious to foreigners. This honeymoon stage may last from a few days or weeks to six months, depending on circumstances. If one is very important, he or she will be shown the show places, will be pampered and petted, and in a press interview will speak glowingly about goodwill and international friendship.
If visitors succeed in getting some knowledge of the language and begin to get around by themselves, they are beginning to open the way into the new cultural environment. Visitors still have difficulties they take a “this is my problem and I have to bear it” attitude. Usually in this stage visitors take a superior attitude to people of the host country. Their sense of humor begins to exert itself. Instead of criticizing, they joke about the people and even crack jokes about their own difficulties. They are now on the way to recovery
With a complete adjustment you not only accept the food, drinks, habits, and customs, but actually begin to enjoy them. When you go home on leave, you may even take things back with you; and if you leave for good, you generally miss the country and the people to whom you became accustomed.

2.We have seen from previous studies that although the British Press is largely free from the control of the government, it is not entirely free in other respects. Primarily, it is not free to do anything that undermine its circulation or displease its advertisers. Then if it is owned by big business it is not free to speak against the interests of big business; if it is controlled by a political party it is not free to denounce the mistake of that party; if it is owned by an individual its freedom its limited to doing those things that generally please him. Moreover, if its circulation is more readily increased by pandering to the public’s uneducated weaknesses, it is not free to educate the public in any real sense of the word. Thus, in many indirect ways a newspaper will be unable to tell the whole truth. Only that part of the truth that suits its own interests will be given full publicity.
The freedom of the Press is the, like all freedoms, relative. So that even if our Press enjoys more freedom than that of many countries, it is still very necessary for us to understand its limitations, if we want to be able to read between the lines and find out the whole truth before forming our own opinions. We must therefore make ourselves familiar with a method a newspaper uses, consciously or unconsciously, to make the truth palatable to its taste. Lord Baldwin once put the matter rather savagely by saying that “Their methods are direct falsehood, misinterpretation, half-truths, the alteration of the speaker’s meaning by putting sentences apart from the context, suppression, and editorial criticism of speeches which are not reported in the paper”.

Por favor


Respuesta dada por: daniel3pa99


Toda la lectura tiene adjetivos, sustantivos ,adverbios  y verbos

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Adjetivo: Descripción de un lugar, animal, objeto o persona

Por ejemplo: physical (físico), long (largo)

Sustantivo: Nombre que describe un lugar, animal, objeto o persona

Por ejemplo: Culture (cultura)

Adverbios: Dicen cómo se han hecho las acciones o sucesos dentro de una oración

Por ejemplo: suddenly (de repente), finally (finalmente)

Verbos: Acciones que realizan personas, objetos o animales (a excepción de los lugares)

Por ejemplo: washing (lavando, drinking (bebiendo.)

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