- A los 23 años su gracia singular y dignidad eran manifiestas
- Temperamento ardiente y apasionado y estas notas características perduraron hasta el fin
- Su ilimitado orgullo y su egoísmo, neutralizaban muchas de sus mejores cualidades
- Constante atención a los Consejos que intervenían en la tramitación en los asuntos del Estado, conociéndolos e intentando dominarlos
- Tanto para lo interior como lo extranjero se fiaba siempre de su juicio
- Su superioridad como gobernante aumentó a medida que avanzaba su Reinado y aunque al principio de su Reinado la política casi por completo estuvo dirigida por Colbert, Louvois y Lionne, más tarde la relativa importancia de los ministros decayó considerablemente, serviles ejecutores de la voluntad del rey
At age 23 his singular grace and dignity were manifest
- Ardent and passionate temperament and these characteristic notes lasted until the end
- His unlimited pride and selfishness neutralized many of his best qualities
- Constant attention to the Councils that intervened in the processing in the affairs of the State, knowing them and trying to dominate them
- Both for the inside and the foreigner always relied on his judgment
- His superiority as ruler increased as his reign progressed and although at the beginning of his reign the policy was almost entirely directed by Colbert, Louvois and Lionne, later the relative importance of the ministers declined considerably, servile executors of the will of the king