• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: vivikeev
  • hace 9 años



Respuesta dada por: labelierEvelin1
1. Expresa en una oración la acción y lo que el sujeto esta haciendo o sintiendo. la acción puede estar en presente, pasado y futuro. En ingles pueden ser regulares e irregulares. 2. Regular Verbs Verbos Regulares 3. Verbos Regulares The past tense form of MOST verbs is: BASE FORM OF THE VERB + ED Ejemplo: 1- Brush + ED = Brushed 1.-Brush + ED = Brushed I brushed my teeth this morning. 2- Visit + ED = Visited 2- Visit + ED = Visited She visited her family last vacation. 3- watch + ED = Watched 3- watch + ED = Watched We watched TV yesterday. 4. Verbos Regulares SPELLING RULES FOR REGULAR VERBS If the verb finishes in “e” or “ie” Ejemplo: like lie You only have to add the letter ( d ) at the end of the verb. smile, smiled (sonreír). Ejemplos: - I like to go to the movies. (present)I liked the movie we watched yesterday. (past)They lie every day. (present)They lied to the teacher last class. (past) los infinitivos que terminan en "d" o "t", pronunciamos la "e" como una "i". End-ed [endid] Wait-ed [weitid] 5. Verbos Regulares SPELLING RULES FOR REGULAR VERBS. Si el verbo termina en “consonante + la letra Y ”. Study Cry You have to change the letter “ y ” for “ i ” and add the letters ( ed ) at the end of the verb. Ejemplo: She cries when she is sad. (present) She cried yesterday. (past)We cried yesterday. (past) - I study English at the Colombo (present) - I studied English when I was in high school. (past) 6. Verbos Regulares Los verbos que no terminan en “e” se les agrega ”ed” para así poder formar el
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